A web
worker is a JavaScript running in the background, without affecting the
performance of the page.
What is a Web Worker?
When executing scripts in an HTML page, the page becomes
unresponsive until the script is finished.
A web worker is a JavaScript that runs in the background,
independently of other scripts, without affecting the performance of the page.
can continue to do whatever you want: clicking, selecting things, etc., while
the web worker runs in the background.
“Web Workers allow for
long-running scripts that are not interrupted by scripts that respond to clicks
or other user interactions, and allows long tasks to be executed without
yielding to keep the page responsive.”
Check Web Worker Support
// Yes! Web worker support!
// Some code.....
// Sorry! No Web Worker support..
// Yes! Web worker support!
// Some code.....
// Sorry! No Web Worker support..
Create a Web Worker File
Now, let's create our web worker in an external JavaScript.
Here, we create a script that counts. The script is stored in the
"demo_workers.js" file:
var i=0;
function timedCount()
function timedCount()
The important part of the code above is the postMessage() method - which is used to posts a
message back to the HTML page.
Note: Normally
web workers are not used for such simple scripts, but for more CPU intensive
Create a Web Worker Object
Now that we have the web worker file, we need to call it from an
HTML page.
The following lines checks if the worker already exists, if not -
it creates a new web worker object and runs the code in
w=new Worker("demo_workers.js");}
w=new Worker("demo_workers.js");}
Then we can send and receive messages from the web worker.
Add an "onmessage" event listener to the web worker.(Once the Web Worker is spawned, communication between web
worker and its parent page is done using the postMessage() method. Depending on your
browser/version, postMessage() can accept either a string or JSON object as its
single argument.)
When the web worker posts a message, the code within the event
listener is executed. The data from the web worker is stored in event.data.
Terminate a Web Worker
When a web worker object is created, it will continue to listen
for messages (even after the external script is finished) until it is
To terminate a web worker, and free browser/computer resources,
use the terminate() method:
Good Luck..!!!
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